Executive’s are spearheading brands through the power of expertise, authority and trust.

You’ve probably heard a lot about about social influencers these days, and how all it takes to become one is amassing a relevant social following, whether that’s at a micro-level of a few thousand social followers or fans in the millions.

However, as an executive, marketing yourself to gather a large number of followers actually isn’t the misguided quest for superficial Internet stardom it may seem like. Frankly, it’s those thought leadership qualities that make business executives and leaders more attracted to another, seemingly more professional status; rather than “social influencers,” executives now strive to be “Executive Influencers.” This is buzzword, coined by yours truly, is the crux of the Executive Leadership Branding program.

What Is an Executive Influencer?

This is an executive who has, through a proven track record, triumphed in business and now motivates and inspires others to create similar success through the sharing of knowledge, attitude, philosophy and strategy. And what channel do they do this through? Authorship, speaking circuits, interviews and media.

The Power and Commitment to Inspire

Even if you consider yourself a passionate communicator and are confident in your writing and speaking capabilities, you likely face the obstacles of time constraints; unfamiliarity with platforms (e.g. you might publish inspiring material on your blog or LinkedIn profile, but do you know how to get your thoughts in front of a national publication’s audience?)

Your experiences define you and the perspective you gain from it is perspective that you, and only you, have the ability to share. These narratives are not only powerful, but begin to authentically position you as a leader who can motivate and inspire.

A Critical First Step

If you don’t yet publish anywhere, pick a platform today (LinkedIn or Medium is a great place to start) and just start writing about something. Stuck? Try one of these three topics:

  • What’s your favorite quote and why?
  • What has been one of the biggest challenges of your career, and how did you overcome it?
  • Who has been your favorite client to work with and why?

If that first question resonated, you might devise an angle like: “Why This [Insert Author’s] Quote Has Helped Me [Insert Lessons or Takeaways].” So, if you picked Abraham Lincoln, it could read: “My Favorite Abraham Lincoln Quote Is a Daily Reminder About Integrity.” Or: “This Abraham Lincoln Quote Has Reminded Me About the Importance of Honesty for 19 Years.”

To Influence, or Not to Influence

Ultimately, you’ll be able to streamline this process of fleshing out ideas and then start using the same approach with your niche and industry expertise. As an influencer, you’re the expert and the authority. All the knowledge is already there, but it requires you to completely eviscerate your comfort zone. After all, do you want to leave a content footprint, or do you want to leave a legacy? You decide.